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Mobile Application Development using Android

  • Self learn study material with interactive learning platform
  • Course expertly crafted by industry leaders for your success
  • E-Portfolio to showcase your projects
  • Dedicated relationship manager with priority support

It's a comprehensive course designed to teach students how to create dynamic and user-friendly mobile applications for Android devices. The course covers the fundamentals of Android development, including Java programming, UI/UX design, and integration with backend services. You will gain hands-on experience through practical projects, preparing to build and deploy your own apps on the Google Play Store.

Tools Covered

The following tools are covered in this course.


Career opportunities after taking this course

After completing a Full Stack Development course using the LEMP stack, you'll be well-prepared for various career opportunities, including:

  • Android App Developer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Freelance Mobile Developer
  • Full Stack Mobile Developer
  • Game Developer (Android)
  • Software Engineer
  • UI/UX Designer for Mobile Apps
  • Product Manager (Mobile Apps)
  • Technical Consultant
  • Technical Support Engineer
  • Start-Up Founder/Entrepreneur

Comprehensive Syllabus

Tailored for industry relevance, our comprehensive syllabus ensures a hands-on and practical learning journey.


Weeks of learning





This module covers the essentials of Android development, starting with an introduction to mobile application development and an overview of Android's ecosystem. You'll learn how to set up Android Studio and the SDK to begin development. Additionally, the module delves into the core architecture of Android, including a deep dive into its key components such as Activities, Fragments, and Services.

  • Module 1: Course Overview and Environment Setup

    • Introduction to Mobile Application Development

    • Overview of Android Development

    • Setting up Android Studio and SDK

  • Module 2: Basics of Android Architecture

    • Understanding Android Architecture

    • Introduction to Components: Activities, Fragments, and Services

In this module, you'll explore User Interface Design, focusing on XML Layouts and various Views such as TextView, Button, and ImageView. You'll advance to working with sophisticated UI components, including RecyclerView and ListView, and learn to implement Navigation Drawer and Bottom Navigation for enhanced app navigation.

  • Module 3: Layouts and Views

    • Introduction to XML Layouts

    • Working with Views (TextView, Button, ImageView)

  • Module 4: Advanced UI Components

    • Using RecyclerView and ListView

    • Implementing Navigation Drawer and Bottom Navigation

In this module, you'll delve into handling user input and interaction, focusing on using EditText and Buttons, and ensuring robust input validation. You'll learn to implement event listeners to manage user actions effectively. Additionally, you'll explore creating and managing dialogs, and incorporating notifications and toasts to enhance user experience.

  • Module 5: Handling User Input

    • Working with EditText, Buttons, and Input Validation

    • Implementing Event Listeners

  • Module 6: Dialogs and Notifications

    • Creating and Managing Dialogs

    • Implementing Notifications and Toasts

This module covers data storage and management, focusing on practical approaches for handling data. It begins with using SharedPreferences for storing simple data and explores internal storage options for file management. Additionally, it introduces SQLite for database solutions and demonstrates how the Room Persistence Library simplifies database operations and management.

  • Module 7: Shared Preferences and Internal Storage

    • Using SharedPreferences for Simple Data Storage

    • Internal Storage for Files

  • Module 8: SQLite Database and Room Persistence Library

    • Introduction to SQLite Database

    • Using Room for Database Management

This module covers essential networking concepts and API interactions in Android development. It starts with an introduction to networking, focusing on how to use Retrofit or Volley for making HTTP requests. The module then advances to handling APIs, where you'll learn to parse JSON responses and manage errors and responses effectively.

  • Module 9: Networking Basics

    • Introduction to Networking in Android

    • Using Retrofit or Volley for HTTP Requests

  • Module 10: Working with APIs

    • Parsing JSON Responses

    • Handling API Errors and Responses

In this module, you'll explore background processing by diving into services and background tasks, including how to implement and utilize broadcast receivers. You'll also learn to manage scheduled tasks with WorkManager and handle background operations using AsyncTask, equipping you with the tools needed for efficient and effective background processing in your applications.

  • Module 11: Services and Broadcast Receivers

    • Understanding Services and Background Tasks

    • Implementing Broadcast Receivers

  • Module 12: WorkManager and AsyncTask

    • Using WorkManager for Scheduled Tasks

    • Implementing AsyncTask for Background Operations

This module explores advanced Android features, focusing on permissions and security practices, including requesting permissions at runtime and managing sensitive data. It also covers location services and the integration of the Google Maps API, providing insights into utilizing location services effectively within applications.

  • Module 13: Permissions and Security

    • Requesting Permissions at Runtime

    • Managing Sensitive Data and Security Practices

  • Module 14: Location Services and Maps

    • Using Location Services

    • Integrating Google Maps API

In this module, you'll explore the creation of custom views and components to tailor the user interface to specific needs, focusing on designing unique UI elements and ensuring they fit seamlessly into the overall design. You'll also delve into animations and transitions, learning how to implement view and property animations to enhance user experience and apply transitions for smooth, fluid UI changes.

  • Module 15: Creating Custom Views and Components

    • Building Custom Views

    • Designing Custom UI Components

  • Module 16: Animations and Transitions

    • Implementing Animations (View Animations and Property Animations)

    • Using Transitions for Smooth UI Changes

This module focuses on essential practices for ensuring software quality, including both testing and debugging. It introduces testing frameworks such as JUnit and Espresso, and covers the techniques for writing effective unit and UI tests. Additionally, it delves into debugging techniques using the Android Studio debugger, emphasizing common practices to efficiently identify and resolve issues.

  • Module 17: Unit Testing and UI Testing

    • Introduction to Testing Frameworks (JUnit, Espresso)

    • Writing Unit Tests and UI Tests

  • Module 18: Debugging Techniques

    • Using Android Studio Debugger

    • Common Debugging Practices

This module focuses on enhancing app performance and understanding its lifecycle. It covers techniques for optimizing memory usage and battery consumption, utilizing profiling tools in Android Studio for efficient debugging, and managing the activity and fragment lifecycle to handle configuration changes effectively.

  • Module 19: Performance Optimization

    • Optimizing Memory Usage and Battery Consumption

    • Profiling Tools in Android Studio

  • Module 20: Understanding App Lifecycle

    • Managing Activity and Fragment Lifecycle

    • Handling Configuration Changes

In this module, you'll focus on building and deploying applications by first structuring a simple app, such as a To-Do List or Weather App, and implementing its core features and user interface. The process will then involve completing the application, followed by thorough testing and debugging to ensure its functionality and performance.

  • Module 21: Building a Simple Application (Part 1)

    • Structuring the Application (e.g., To-Do List, Weather App)

    • Implementing Core Features and UI

  • Module 22: Building a Simple Application (Part 2)

    • Completing the Application

    • Testing and Debugging

In the concluding phase of the program, you'll embark on developing your final project, which could be an e-commerce or social media application. This stage includes personalized guidance and mentorship to help you refine and complete your project. As the course wraps up, you'll have an opportunity to review the key concepts, participate in a Q&A session, and receive certification. Additionally, you'll receive advice on the next steps to advance your skills in mobile development.

  • Module 23: Final Project Development (Part 1)

    • Start Developing the Final Project (E-commerce App, Social Media App, etc.)

    • Guidance and Individual Mentorship

  • Module 24: Final Project Development (Part 2) and Course Conclusion

    • Complete the Final Project

    • Course Review and Q&A

    • Certification and Next Steps in Mobile App Development

Practical Projects

Dive into Practical Projects, a course crafted to provide hands-on experience aligned with real-world industry demands. Elevate your skills with projects designed for immediate applicability in professional settings.

To-Do List App

To-Do List App

Fetching and displaying weather data from an API

E-Commerce App

E-Commerce App

Project with authentication, product listings, and cart

Social Media App

Social Media App

Advanced project integrating various Android features

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common inquiries about our program, support, and enrollment process

What is the prerequisite for enrolling in this course?

Typically, a Bachelor's degree in Computer/IT or a related field with a solid understanding of technical concepts is required.

What kind of projects can I expect to work on during the course?

You can expect to work on practical projects such as developing a android e-commerce app, a social media app, or other dynamic mobile applications using the android.

Is there a certification upon completion, and how is the assessment conducted?

Yes, you will receive a certification upon successful completion of the course. Assessment is conducted through project work, quizzes, and a final project that demonstrates your understanding and skills.

Can this course be beneficial for someone already working in the industry?

Absolutely. The course offers in-depth knowledge of the android, which can enhance your existing skills and keep you updated with current industry practices.

What kind of support is available if I face difficulties during the course?

Dedicated support channels, including mail and phone communication with technical support, will be available to address any queries or challenges encountered during the course.

Is there flexibility in the course schedule, and how long does it typically take to complete?

The course is offered in weekend batches, providing flexibility for working professionals. The entire course typically spans several weeks, with sessions held on Saturdays and Sundays.

Will I have access to course materials after completing the program?

Yes, you will have ongoing access to course materials and resources even after the course concludes, allowing you to review and reference them as needed.

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