Live Program

Full Stack Web Development using MongoDB, Express.Js, ReactJs and Node.Js

  • Self learn study material with interactive learning platform
  • Course expertly crafted by industry leaders for your success
  • E-Portfolio to showcase your projects
  • Dedicated relationship manager with priority support

It's a comprehensive course that covers the essentials of building dynamic, modern web applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. Participants will learn how to create robust back-end servers, design interactive front-end interfaces, and manage databases efficiently. This course is perfect for aspiring developers looking to master full-stack development using the popular MERN stack.

Tools Covered

The following tools are covered in this course.


Career opportunities after taking this course

After completing a Full Stack Development course using the MERN stack, you'll be well-prepared for various career opportunities, including:

  • Full Stack Developer (MERN)
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Technical Consultant
  • Start-Up Founder/Entrepreneur

Comprehensive Syllabus

Tailored for industry relevance, our comprehensive syllabus ensures a hands-on and practical learning journey.


Weeks of learning





In this introductory phase of the course, you'll dive into the fundamentals of web development and the MERN stack. You'll begin by setting up your development environment, which includes Node.js, npm, MongoDB, and Visual Studio Code, and gain an understanding of the MERN stack components: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. Following this, you'll explore the basics of HTML, learning about its structure and elements, and create a simple web page to solidify your understanding.

  • Module 1: Course Overview and Environment Setup

    • Introduction to Full Stack Development

    • Overview of MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js

    • Setting up the Development Environment (Node.js, npm, MongoDB, VS Code)

  • Module 2: Basics of Web Development

    • Introduction to HTML

    • Basic HTML Structure and Elements

    • Creating a Simple Web Page

In this session, you'll delve into advanced HTML concepts, including the creation and management of forms and input elements, as well as structuring content using tables, lists, and semantic elements. You'll also be introduced to CSS, exploring its role in styling web pages, learning the basics of CSS syntax, selectors, and properties, and understanding how to apply styles through inline, internal, and external CSS methods.

  • Module 3: Advanced HTML Concepts

    • Forms and Input Elements

    • Tables, Lists, and Semantic Elements

  • Module 4: Introduction to CSS

    • Understanding CSS and its Role

    • CSS Syntax, Selectors, and Properties

    • Inline, Internal, and External CSS

In this session, you will dive into advanced CSS techniques, including the Box Model, margins, padding, borders, as well as display and positioning properties, with a focus on Flexbox for layout design. You'll also start learning JavaScript fundamentals, covering key concepts such as syntax, variables, data types, and operators, and explore control structures like conditionals and loops to build dynamic functionality into your web projects.

  • Module 5: Advanced CSS Techniques

    • Box Model, Margins, Padding, Borders

    • Display, Positioning, and Flexbox

  • Module 6: JavaScript Basics

    • JavaScript Syntax and Fundamentals (Variables, Data Types, Operators)

    • Control Structures (Conditionals and Loops)

In this session, you will delve into JavaScript functions and event handling, learning how to create and use functions effectively while manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to respond to user interactions. You'll explore advanced JavaScript concepts, including working with objects, arrays, and JSON, and get introduced to AJAX and the Fetch API for asynchronous data retrieval and interaction with external resources.

  • Module 7: JavaScript Functions and Events

    • Functions in JavaScript

    • Event Handling and Basic DOM Manipulation

  • Module 8: Advanced JavaScript Concepts

    • Objects, Arrays, and JSON

    • Introduction to AJAX and Fetch API

In this session, you'll dive into Node.js and Express.js, starting with an overview of Node.js, its architecture, and how to set up a basic server. You'll then explore Express.js, a popular framework for Node.js, and learn how to build a simple API using it.

  • Module 9: Introduction to Node.js

    • Understanding Node.js and its Architecture

    • Setting Up a Node.js Server

  • Module 10: Introduction to Express.js

    • Introduction to Express.js Framework

    • Building a Basic API with Express.js

In this session, you'll explore MongoDB, a NoSQL database, and learn about its basic commands and CRUD operations. You'll also get hands-on experience with Mongoose, a library that simplifies MongoDB interactions with Node.js, covering how to set it up and perform CRUD operations effectively.

  • Module 11: Introduction to MongoDB

    • Understanding NoSQL Databases

    • Basic MongoDB Commands and CRUD Operations

  • Module 12: Mongoose and MongoDB Integration

    • Setting Up Mongoose with Node.js

    • Performing CRUD Operations with Mongoose

In this session, you'll dive into building RESTful APIs using Express.js and MongoDB. You'll explore REST architecture principles and learn how to structure a RESTful API effectively. You'll then apply these concepts to develop REST endpoints with Express.js, focusing on handling various HTTP methods and status codes to ensure your API functions correctly and efficiently.

  • Module 13: RESTful API Design Principles

    • Understanding REST Architecture

    • Structuring a RESTful API

  • Module 14: Developing RESTful APIs with Express.js and MongoDB

    • Building REST Endpoints

    • Handling HTTP Methods and Status Codes

In this session, you'll dive into React.js by learning about React components and JSX, essential for building user interfaces. You'll set up a React development environment and explore both functional and class components. Additionally, you'll understand how to manage state and props in React to create dynamic and interactive applications.

  • Module 15: Introduction to React.js

    • Understanding React Components and JSX

    • Setting Up a React Development Environment

  • Module 16: React Components and State Management

    • Functional and Class Components

    • State and Props in React

In this session, you'll delve into advanced React.js concepts, focusing on building Single Page Applications (SPAs) using React Router for effective navigation. You'll learn how to implement and manage routes within your application. Additionally, you'll explore React Hooks, such as `useState` and `useEffect`, to handle state and side effects, and you'll gain an understanding of the Context API for more efficient state management across your app.

  • Module 17: React Router and Navigation

    • Single Page Applications (SPA) with React Router

    • Implementing Navigation in React

  • Module 18: React Hooks and Context API

    • Introduction to React Hooks (useState, useEffect)

    • State Management with Context API

In this session, you'll learn how to integrate a React frontend with a Node.js backend, focusing on fetching data from RESTful APIs using Axios for HTTP requests. Additionally, you'll start building a simple MERN application, covering the initial steps of structuring the application and implementing the backend components using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

  • Module 19: Connecting React Frontend to Node.js Backend

    • Fetching Data from RESTful APIs

    • Axios for HTTP Requests

  • Module 20: Building a Simple MERN Application (Part 1)

    • Structuring the MERN Application

    • Implementing the Backend (Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB)

In this session, you will learn how to build and deploy a simple MERN application by developing the frontend with React.js and integrating it with the backend. You will also cover best practices for deploying MERN applications on platforms like Heroku or Vercel, including managing environment variables and implementing security measures.

  • Module 21: Building a Simple MERN Application (Part 2)

    • Creating the Frontend (React.js)

    • Integrating Frontend and Backend

  • Module 22: Deployment and Best Practices

    • Deploying MERN Applications on Heroku or Vercel

    • Environment Variables and Security Practices

In this final session of the course, you'll focus on developing and completing your final project, which could be an e-commerce website, social network, or a similar application. You'll receive personalized guidance and mentorship throughout the development process. The session concludes with a comprehensive review of the course, a Q&A to address any remaining questions, and discussions about certification and future steps in your Full Stack Development journey.

  • Module 23: Final Project Development (Part 1)

    • Start Developing the Final Project (E-commerce Website, Social Network, etc.)

    • Guidance and Individual Mentorship

  • Module 24: Final Project Development (Part 2) and Course Conclusion

    • Complete the Final Project

    • Course Review and Q&A

    • Certification and Next Steps in Full Stack Development

Practical Projects

Dive into Practical Projects, a course crafted to provide hands-on experience aligned with real-world industry demands. Elevate your skills with projects designed for immediate applicability in professional settings.

Personal Portfolio Website

Personal Portfolio Website

Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript

To-Do List Application

To-Do List Application

Using React.js and Local Storage

Simple Blog Application

Simple Blog Application

Full Stack Project with MERN Stack

E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Website

Comprehensive Full Stack Project integrating all concepts

Social Network

Social Network

Comprehensive Full Stack Project integrating all concepts

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common inquiries about our program, support, and enrollment process

What is the prerequisite for enrolling in this course?

Typically, a Bachelor's degree in Computer/IT or a related field with a solid understanding of technical concepts is required.

What kind of projects can I expect to work on during the course?

You can expect to work on practical projects such as developing a full-stack e-commerce website, a social network, or other dynamic web applications using the MERN stack.

Is there a certification upon completion, and how is the assessment conducted?

Yes, you will receive a certification upon successful completion of the course. Assessment is conducted through project work, quizzes, and a final project that demonstrates your understanding and skills.

Can this course be beneficial for someone already working in the full stack industry?

Absolutely. The course offers in-depth knowledge of the MERN stack, which can enhance your existing skills and keep you updated with current industry practices.

What kind of support is available if I face difficulties during the course?

Dedicated support channels, including mail and phone communication with technical support, will be available to address any queries or challenges encountered during the course.

Is there flexibility in the course schedule, and how long does it typically take to complete?

The course is offered in weekend batches, providing flexibility for working professionals. The entire course typically spans several weeks, with sessions held on Saturdays and Sundays.

Will I have access to course materials after completing the program?

Yes, you will have ongoing access to course materials and resources even after the course concludes, allowing you to review and reference them as needed.

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