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Complete Guide to SQL and NoSQL Databases

  • Self learn study material with interactive learning platform
  • Course expertly crafted by industry leaders for your success
  • E-Portfolio to showcase your projects
  • Dedicated relationship manager with priority support

This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of both SQL and NoSQL databases. You will learn how to design, query, and manage relational databases using SQL, and explore the flexibility of NoSQL databases like MongoDB for handling unstructured data. The course includes hands-on projects and real-world examples, making it perfect for beginners and experienced developers looking to expand their database management skills. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to choose the right database solution for various applications and optimize database performance.

Tools Covered

The following tools are covered in this course.


Career opportunities after taking this course

After completing a sql and nosql database course, you'll be well-prepared for various career opportunities, including:

  • Database Administrator (DBA)
  • Data Engineer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Developer
  • Cloud Database Engineer
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Data Architect
  • Technical Consultant
  • Start-Up Founder/Entrepreneur

Comprehensive Syllabus

Tailored for industry relevance, our comprehensive syllabus ensures a hands-on and practical learning journey.


Weeks of learning





This module introduces the foundational concepts of databases, covering the essentials of SQL and NoSQL systems. It includes an overview of database design and modeling principles and guides users through setting up the necessary environment. Participants will learn to install both SQL and NoSQL database systems and become familiar with various database management tools.

  • Module 1: Course Overview and Database Fundamentals

    • Introduction to Databases

    • Overview of SQL and NoSQL

    • Database Design and Modeling Concepts

  • Module 2: Setting Up the Environment

    • Installing SQL and NoSQL Database Systems

    • Introduction to Database Management Tools

In this module, you'll explore the fundamentals of relational databases and SQL, beginning with an introduction to SQL and its core syntax for performing basic operations such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. You'll also learn about SQL data types, constraints, and the principles of schema design, including how to design tables and establish relationships between them.

  • Module 3: Introduction to SQL

    • Understanding Relational Databases

    • Basic SQL Syntax and Operations (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

  • Module 4: Data Types and Schema Design

    • SQL Data Types and Constraints

    • Designing Tables and Relationships

In this module, you'll explore advanced SQL techniques, including various types of joins such as INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL, to effectively combine and retrieve data from multiple tables. You'll also dive into subqueries and nested queries for more complex data retrieval, and learn how to use aggregate functions like SUM, COUNT, and AVG for data summarization. Additionally, you'll gain proficiency in grouping data using GROUP BY and filtering grouped data with HAVING clauses to derive meaningful insights

  • Module 5: Advanced Query Techniques

    • Joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL)

    • Subqueries and Nested Queries

  • Module 6: Aggregation and Grouping

    • Using Aggregate Functions (SUM, COUNT, AVG)

    • GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses

In this module, you'll delve into the principles of database normalization, exploring the different normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF) to ensure data integrity and eliminate redundancy. You'll also compare normalization with denormalization to understand their impact on database performance. Additionally, the module covers the fundamentals of transactions, including the ACID properties essential for reliable and consistent data management, and addresses concurrency control to handle simultaneous data access effectively.

  • Module 7: Database Normalization

    • Understanding Normal Forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)

    • Normalization vs. Denormalization

  • Module 8: Transactions and Concurrency

    • Introduction to Transactions

    • ACID Properties and Concurrency Control

This module introduces NoSQL databases, covering their various types such as Document, Key-Value, Column-Family, and Graph databases, and highlights their differences from SQL databases. It includes a detailed look at Document-Based databases with a focus on MongoDB, explaining its core features, and demonstrates how to perform CRUD operations using MongoDB.

  • Module 9: Overview of NoSQL

    • Understanding NoSQL Database Types (Document, Key-Value, Column-Family, Graph)

    • Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases

  • Module 10: Document-Based Databases (MongoDB)

    • Introduction to MongoDB

    • CRUD Operations in MongoDB

This module covers advanced MongoDB features and indexing techniques. It delves into the Aggregation Framework and data modeling strategies to enhance data management and retrieval. Additionally, it addresses indexing and performance optimization by exploring the creation and management of indexes, as well as tuning performance and optimizing queries for better efficiency.

  • Module 11: Advanced MongoDB Features

    • Aggregation Framework

    • Data Modeling in MongoDB

  • Module 12: Indexing and Performance Optimization

    • Creating and Managing Indexes

    • Performance Tuning and Query Optimization

This module covers the fundamentals of key-value and column-family stores. It begins with an introduction to Redis, exploring its key operations and data structures. It then shifts focus to Apache Cassandra, detailing its data modeling techniques and querying capabilities.

  • Module 13: Key-Value Stores (Redis)

    • Introduction to Redis

    • Key Operations and Data Structures in Redis

  • Module 14: Column-Family Stores (Cassandra)

    • Introduction to Apache Cassandra

    • Data Modeling and Querying in Cassandra

In the module on Graph Databases, participants will explore the fundamentals of graph databases with a focus on Neo4j. They will gain insights into basic operations and the Cypher Query Language, before advancing to more complex graph operations. The module also covers the implementation of graph algorithms and includes practical case studies and real-world use cases to illustrate their applications.

  • Module 15: Introduction to Graph Databases (Neo4j)

    • Understanding Graph Databases

    • Basic Operations and Cypher Query Language

  • Module 16: Advanced Graph Operations

    • Implementing Graph Algorithms

    • Case Studies and Use Cases

This module covers key aspects of Data Integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), focusing on techniques for seamless data integration and the essential tools and processes involved. It explores the integration of SQL and NoSQL databases, addressing hybrid data models and their practical applications to efficiently handle diverse data needs and improve data management strategies.

  • Module 17: Data Integration Techniques

    • Introduction to ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)

    • Tools and Processes for Data Integration

  • Module 18: Using SQL and NoSQL Together

    • Integrating SQL and NoSQL Databases

    • Hybrid Data Models and Use Cases

In this module, we cover essential aspects of backup, recovery, and security. You will explore strategies for effective backup and recovery, including the implementation of various backup solutions to safeguard data. Additionally, the module delves into database security practices, focusing on security best practices, managing user roles and permissions, and utilizing encryption techniques to protect sensitive information.

  • Module 19: Backup and Recovery

    • Strategies for Backup and Recovery

    • Implementing Backup Solutions

  • Module 20: Database Security

    • Security Best Practices

    • User Roles, Permissions, and Encryption

In this module, you'll focus on building and managing SQL-based projects. You'll start by designing and implementing a SQL project, such as a Library Management System, including the creation of schemas and writing queries. The module progresses to completing the project with an emphasis on testing and debugging to ensure functionality and reliability.

  • Module 21: Building a SQL-Based Project (Part 1)

    • Designing and Implementing a SQL Project (e.g., Library Management System)

    • Creating Schema and Writing Queries

  • Module 22: Building a SQL-Based Project (Part 2)

    • Completing the Project

    • Testing and Debugging

In the final phase, participants will engage in a hands-on project focused on building a NoSQL-based application, such as an e-commerce backend. This includes designing and implementing the project with a focus on CRUD operations and data modeling. The module wraps up with completing the project, reviewing key concepts, and addressing any remaining questions. The program concludes with certification and guidance on next steps in database management.

  • Module 23: Building a NoSQL-Based Project (Part 1)

    • Designing and Implementing a NoSQL Project (e.g., E-commerce Backend)

    • CRUD Operations and Data Modeling

  • Module 24: Building a NoSQL-Based Project (Part 2) and Course Conclusion

    • Complete the Final Project

    • Course Review and Q&A

    • Certification and Next Steps in Database Management

Practical Projects

Dive into Practical Projects, a course crafted to provide hands-on experience aligned with real-world industry demands. Elevate your skills with projects designed for immediate applicability in professional settings.

To-Do List Application

To-Do List Application

Using Redis for real-time data handling

Simple Blog Application

Simple Blog Application

Using SQL for relational data management

E-Commerce Backend

E-Commerce Backend

Using MongoDB for product catalog and transactions

Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis

Using Neo4j for graph-based data modeling

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common inquiries about our program, support, and enrollment process

What is the prerequisite for enrolling in this course?

Typically, a Bachelor's degree in Computer/IT or a related field with a solid understanding of technical concepts is required.

What kind of projects can I expect to work on during the course?

You can expect to work on practical projects such as developing a e-commerce backend, a social network analysis, or other dynamic querying applications.

Is there a certification upon completion, and how is the assessment conducted?

Yes, you will receive a certification upon successful completion of the course. Assessment is conducted through project work, quizzes, and a final project that demonstrates your understanding and skills.

Can this course be beneficial for someone already working in the full stack industry?

Absolutely. The course offers in-depth knowledge of the sql and nosql, which can enhance your existing skills and keep you updated with current industry practices.

What kind of support is available if I face difficulties during the course?

Dedicated support channels, including mail and phone communication with technical support, will be available to address any queries or challenges encountered during the course.

Is there flexibility in the course schedule, and how long does it typically take to complete?

The course is offered in weekend batches, providing flexibility for working professionals. The entire course typically spans several weeks, with sessions held on Saturdays and Sundays.

Will I have access to course materials after completing the program?

Yes, you will have ongoing access to course materials and resources even after the course concludes, allowing you to review and reference them as needed.

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